Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
Text File
152 lines
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= PADLOCK0.EXE -- A Demonstration Program for NOCAD.VBX =
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You will need the following files to run the demonstration program; PADLOCK0
SETUP will uncompress and copy each of them to the proper subdirectory.
1. PADLOCK0.EXE in any subdirectory you specify during SETUP;
2. VRBTD.386 in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory;
3. NOCAD0.VBX in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory;
4. README.TXT in the PADLOCK0.EXE subdirectory;
5. README.WRI in the PADLOCK0.EXE subdirectory; and
6. NOCADHLP.TXT (this file) in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory.
You will also need the file VBRUN300.DLL in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory;
this file is NOT included in the PADLOCK0 package, but is available on most
BBS's and from Microsoft.
PADLOCK0 SETUP will add 3 lines to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file;
there will be two comment lines identifying PADLOCK0 and the date of
installation, followed by the line
After PADLOCK0 SETUP is finished, you must exit WINDOWS to DOS and restart
WINDOWS so that the virtual device driver VRBTD.386 will be available.
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Double-click on the NOCAD DEMO icon in the PADLOCK folder created by SETUP (or
use ProgMan's FILE:RUN:path:PADLOCK0).
The OPENING SCREEN offers all its capabilities via the MENU BAR, as follows:
This will close the OPENING SCREEN, and proceed immediately to the demonstration
of PADLOCK0. A digital clock will show your system's hours and minutes, while an
old-fashioned sweep second hand will show the "seconds".
Press the SPACEBAR, and the clock will be replaced by the PASSWORD INPUT BOX.
Type the word PASSWORD (in upper- or lower-case, no spaces, no quotes, just the
8 letters) and hit the ENTER key; you will exit from PADLOCK0.
If anyone types 3 consecutive incorrect passowrds, the computer will LOCK UP for
one minute. Thereafter, the SPACEBAR will once again reveal the PASSWORD INPUT
BOX, except that now the box is RED!
This will close the OPENING SCREEN and EXIT from PADLOCK0.
This will place the ordering information (my address) in the upper half of the
OPENING SCREEN. Click on the CONTINUE button, and the ordering information will be
unloaded; or, you may access any other function on the MENU BAR.
This will print out an order form on your default Printer.
This will print a copy of this file (NOCADHLP.TXT) on your default Printer.
This will display an ABOUT BOX with information about PADLOCK0 and about your
The full version of the program (not this demonstration version) is called
PADLOCK5, and offers the following additional capabilities:
1. NO ON-SCREEN INSTRUCTIONS -- the instructions you see above the CLOCK and the
PASSWORD INPUT BOX in this version will not be there in the full version.
2. SET AND USE YOUR OWN PASSWORD -- you can set the PASSWORD to any combination
of up to 16 characters you desire. Your PASSWORD will be encrypted and stored
in your WIN.INI file. Should anyone look at your WIN.INI file, they'll see a
series of graphics characters listed as the PASSWORD. You can change the
PASSWORD as often as you like, from within PADLOCK5.
3. SET THE LOCKUP TIME -- you can set the LOCKUP TIME (how long your computer
locks up after three incorrect password attempts) to any full minute value
between one and fifteen minutes. You can make the change at any time from
within PADLOCK5.
4. NO OPENING SCREEN -- the annoying, nagging OPENING SCREEN is not a part of
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= NOCAD.VBX -- A VB Custom Control to disable Ctrl-Alt-Del =
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NOCAD.VBX is a custom control for Microsoft Visual Basic (Standard or
Professional) version 3.0 or higher which allows the programmer to disable
the CTRL-ALT-DEL reboot key combination at RUNTIME. The NOCAD0.VBX enclosed
in this demonstration package is a RUNTIME-ONLY control (you can't load it
into a project in Visual Basic). Obviously, the full version of NOCAD.VBX can
be loaded into the design environment at any time.
NOCAD.VBX and NOCAD0.VBX use a virtual device driver, VRBTD.386, written in
assembly language by Microsoft. The PADLOCK0 SETUP program copies the file to
your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, and adds the line "device=vrbtd.386" to the
[386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file. This new entry is identified by 2
comment lines which precede it; these 2 lines identify PADLOCK0 and the
installation date.
The demonstration program PADLOCK0.EXE is essentially a Screen Saver, with one
big difference: Ctrl-Alt-Del doesn't work. That means that, unless you know
the password, you will have to do a power-down or cold boot to get out of
PADLOCK0! Further, if anyone enters three consecutive incorrect passwords, the
computer will lock up for a period of one minute, during which time the
PASSWORD INPUT BOX is also disabled. Again, a power-off or cold reboot are the
only ways out.
There's one more element to the ABSOLUTE SAFETY provided by PADLOCK: you need
to enable your BIOS PASSWORD. Setting the BIOS PASSWORD causes the computer to
prompt for the password BEFORE running your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files --
that is, before you can access any files or directories at all! (See your
computer manual for details on setting the BIOS PASSWORD.)
Once your BIOS PASSWORD is enabled, PADLOCK gives you ABSOLUTE SAFETY -- if you
don't know the PADLOCK password, you'll have to do a power-down or a cold boot,
both of which lead to the BIOS PASSWORD prompt!
This is just one of the many uses for NOCAD.VBX -- it can be used in any
application where you want to be able to disable the "3-finger salute". The full
version of NOCAD.VBX is invisible at Runtime; when you set NOCAD1.ENABLED=TRUE
in your code, Ctrl-Alt-Del is disabled. Just don't forget to set NOCAD1.ENABLED=
FALSE in your FORM:UNLOAD code!
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= LOS ANGELES, CA 90046 =
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= CompuServe 70250,306 =
= (213)851-5298 =
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